Global Impact
The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few... - Matthew 9:37
Outreach is everywhere. God sends us to all kinds of people in all kinds of places: the Jew and the Gentile, the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong, believers and unbelievers - everyone needs more of Jesus. We make disciples of all nations through teaching the Word of God and training everyone to live by the obedience of faith.

Disciples from Every Nation, Tribe, and Tongue
Images from sensitive nations or areas not included.

Zion Children's Home

God's power in meetings

Sunday Church Gatherings

Proclaiming the Gospel

A brand new believer

Clean water through a new well in an Indian jungle village

Children receive Bibles for Christmas

Jesus is the Same in
Northern Uganda

Dedicating an Evangelism Center in Lagos, Nigeria

Elders and Deacons Consecrated for Service

Pastor's Equipping Conference

Theologically Trained
Pastor's Conference

Orphans in India hear about Jesus

Jungle village hears the Gospel

Youth Conference in France

Children learn the rain song - God sent rain!

God heals a woman's knee!

Healing service

Praying for the Blind Children

Japanese believers gathering
Making Disciples
We proclaim Jesus and the simple Gospel of His Kingdom according to the Scriptures. But it doesn't stop there. True disciples are followers of Jesus who learn of Him and put His teachings into practice in their daily lives. We make disciples of all nations through resources and trainings that educate with sound doctrine, challenge and spur new levels of devotion and obedience, and develop genuine engagement with God for daily life with the Lord.
Good Works in His Name
Our Focus Areas of Support
God sends us all over the world and we have the privilege of pouring ourselves out into many different impact initiatives. We do this through our own direct outreaches and through investing in fellow boots-on-the-ground laborers inGod's harvest field who proclaim a pure Gospel of Jesus Christ and do good works in His name with a mission and values that are aligned with Manifest International. Humanitarian aid that is not done in the name of Jesus is eternally meaningless. Below are some of the categories we enjoy investing in for the Kingdom and the glory of God.

Israel & the Jewish People
Reaching the Jewish people with a Biblical presentation of Yeshua the Messiah. Helping them return to the land of their ancestors.

Water: Bibles & Wells
Delivering the Bible to people in their native language. Plus, literal wells to bring clean drinking water even as we bring the living water of Jesus.

Children of God
Feeding, clothing, and raising up orphaned children to know their Father, God, through Jesus.
Outreach to the Unreached
Reaching deep into the places that no one else wants to go to spread the Gospel to those who have never heard.

Prisons & Rehab Centers
Reaching those who have come to the end of themselves and are ready for change.

The Undiscovered & Persecuted
The faithful servants of God we meet in our travels whom the world does not know but who are shining light in the darkest places.
Please note: We receive solicitations regularly from ministries and churches all over the world asking for financial support. We live by faith and trust God for our own financial provision. We give based on relationship, as guided by the Holy Spirit. Please understand that we do not give to churches or ministries that we have not visited in person. Thank you.
Invite Us to Share with Your Congregation or Group
We welcome the opportunity to share with your church, congregation, or group about:
The Jewishness of Jesus & the Christian Faith
God's Redemptive Plan for Israel
The Biblical Calendar & Feasts of the Lord
Romans 9-11: Cut Off & Ingrafted
Reaching Your Jewish Neighbors
General speaking on the subject, as led by the Lord