Serve with Us
Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many... -Matthew 20:28
We welcome you to be an active participant in what God is doing by serving alongside our Crew Members on our various Crews. God values all kinds of service!

Why Crew?
In the Apostle Paul's letter to the Corinthians, the word used for “minister” means “under-rower.” This refers to servants who sat below the decks of ships to pull the oars and row in time with one another at their captain’s commands.
At the HUB we are one Crew and together we follow the commands of our King, Jesus. Each individual Crew has unique responsibilities that are vital to life at the HUB. As such, many different types of skills and service are highly valued. We rely on one another as we seek to establish a dwelling place for God and a refuge for His people.
Some of Our Spiritual Crews


Bible Study
& Teaching

Shepherding & Pastoral Care


Some of Our Service Crews


Food Service





Buildings & Facilities

Garden & Farm


*See leadership for a full list of Crews or to offer your expertise in service.

First things First...
We truly value many different kinds of service and hope you will find your place in serving God with us.
The first step: We would like to get to know a little bit more about you so we can help you find the right fit based on your skills, gifts, calling, and desire to serve. Volunteering to serve at the HUB gives us both an opportunity to know one another before committing to full Crew Membership.
Please fill out a Service Application to help us know how God is leading you to serve with us.
Ready to Join the Crew?
Have already completed the first step? (see above)
If you have enjoyed serving with us as a Visitor or Guest and sense that God is calling you to make the HUB your place of service for His Kingdom, we welcome you to join us in serving for His glory at the HUB.
Please click the button below to discover more about the requirements for Crew service. You will also find the applications for those hoping to become Crew Members and Sojourners.