My life changed when I started doing things God's way.
I spent years asking God to bless my path, instead of trying to get on His path for me. I prayed for abundance and prosperity, knowing that God was the “lamp to my feet and a light for my path (Psalm 119:105) but I didn’t take responsibility for my part of cooperating with His plans. I neglected to take into consideration that God was lighting His path for me, not my path for me. No wonder it kept getting dark.

An invitation for you...

Hi. My name is Wendy, and I'm a Recovering Type A.
I’ve been a control-freak, perfectionist, workaholic, and over-achiever approximately since birth. I was a private equity investment banker in New York City and the youngest one to ever make the executive team. After my first encounter with God, (more on this in Chapter 12) I continued to pursue my Type A agenda with only slight lifestyle modifications. In fact, my life became increasingly glamorous outwardly but unfortunately, it grew increasingly hollow inwardly. That is, until I finally listened to what God had been trying to tell me for quite some time. (More on this in Chapter 4.) By God’s grace, my life has changed. I have gone through a complete metamorphosis and I now have fulfillment, love, joy, peace, and wisdom – abundant life and purpose – that I have never had before. (More on this in Chapter 15.)
The purpose of this book is to encourage you on your own journey so that you, too, can experience this kind of transformation and satisfaction. Depending on where you are in life right now, you may prefer certain sections of this book over others. For some of you, Section One (written from a Type A perspective) will feel like you are talking to yourself, while for others of you, it will be intense and exasperating. Section Two could make almost anyone uncomfortable because it exposes the err of a lot of our thinking, Type A or not. For some of you, Section Three may be what you have been seeking for some time, while for others of you, it may feel awkward and impractical. All I ask is that you stick it out through the parts that push your buttons and boundaries. Getting out of your comfort zone is part of growing.
No matter where you are in your life right now, I hope that this book blesses you and stretches you into new places in your relationship with God so that you, too, can finally hear what He has been trying to say to you for quite some time and start living the purpose that He has for your life...