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George Vitetta always longed for a deep and personal relationship with God but struggled with religion and disappointments with the church. Through God’s gracious hand on his life, George finally discovered how to walk with God and what the Christian life is really all about. He became a pastor and served God all the way to his last breath.

Now, in this book prepared by him before his passing and completed by his wife, Cathy, you can learn from George’s favorite Bible teachings about Jesus and the Christian life.

If you feel like you have been wandering in a wilderness of confusion about God and religion, this book will help you understand biblical truths and realize that you can truly walk with God!


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"What I can honestly tell you is that in the midst of the storms of life, you can have a peace and joy that surpasses all understanding. You can have a relationship with the living God through His Holy Spirit!

You can truly walk with God!"

ABOUT the Authors

George D. Vitetta’s life was radically changed when he discovered that truly walking with God was so different from what he had experienced in today’s church. As a Pastor, George’s passion was to teach the Bible to inspire everyone towards their own personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. George passed on to be with the Lord in July of 2022.

Catherine M. Vitetta co-pastored their home church and community outreaches. Her first book, Ready for the King, was released in 2023. She is co-author of her husband’s book, completing it in loving memory of him after his passing to see God’s purpose for the book fulfilled.



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